Selected Miscellaneous / jmb (2011 - ?)
Culture Sport (2014 - ?)
Rotterdam 1995 (2018)
That's Us/Wild Combination (2013)
Boring Angel (2013)
The Last 51 Years of Art History Represented by 51 Seconds of Battlestar Galactica Season 4 Episode 18 (2009)
Collage (2009) (2008)
RGB Chord (2007)
Twenty Years Ago Today (2007)
Blood Fantasy (2007)
premise of footloose naturally occuring on facebook (2007)
Four Weddings and a Funeral (2006)
Infinite Fill (2006)
Guitar Solo Threeway (2006)
Body Magic (2006)
The Church of the Future (2006)
Lord of the Flies (2006)
Big Mac, Whopper (2006)
QVC (2005)
BEUYS.GIF (2005)
Sleigh Ride! (2005)
Wayback Archive